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Brow and Lash Tinting

$35 per service. 


Brown Lamination and Lash Lifting

$25 for Brow Lamination

$45 for Lash Lift



A procedure that removes the top layer of your skin in order to exfoliate your skin and get rid of dirt and vellus hair, better know as "peach fuzz". A small surgical blade is used to slough off dead skin cells and remove facial hair. This helps skin look more even in tone and texture. It is superficial and painless and the skin is not pierced.




Quasha Massage for Body and Face


AKA Kerokan is part of traditional Chinese medicine in which a tool is used to scrape a client's skin in order to produce light petechiae. This type of massage is aimed to move energy, also known as qi or chi, around the body. The treatment involves using a jade tool to rub or scrape the skin in long strokes, applying enough pressure to create minor bruising. This treatment helps break up scar tissue and connective tissue, improving movement in the joints.


Quash Massage for the face is more gentle than when used in traditional deep tissue massage. Jade or Rose quartz is used to scrape over the skin in upward strokes to relax stiff muscles and promote tissue drainage. Helps skin with poor circulation and can increase a healthy glow to the face. It can also give the skin structure a more lifted appearance, with more defined cheekbones, and de-puffed cheeks. It can also reduce under-eye bags.

$20 add-on

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